www.thisfabtrek.com > journey > europe > austria > 20040529-vienna
Day X, I am getting nearer.
Thought an update on when and how I'd be travelling through Europe over the next month or 2 might be appropriate. Thing is I am running late. But who cares. But one thought at a time.
It was a wonderful farewell party and worked out just as I had hoped. The weather held out nicely, the police did not turn up (surprise) and the 110 people of all ages who turned up (I counted them afterwards), seemed to have had a great time. So at any time between 12 noon and 3 past midnight I was busy talking and luckily not really drinking so much . Thanks to talking to all you people I did not get my hands on the drinks supply as often as intended. I would not have held out until the end otherwise.

Think I have another 3 weeks here in Vienna to accomplish the mountainous task completely ridding myself of all those useful things I have amassed over the past 20 years. So the following scenario is most likely. Leave Vienna around the 17th of June for a place in Waldviertel, in Lower Austria, some 150km northwest from Vienna, where my cousin Gerd owns a farmhouse. Chill out. Ponder. Then meet Piotr in Prague around the 22nd and travel through Poland with him for about a week. My fellow work colleague and dear friend over these past 4 years and I have always had planned to go to Poland together, his mother country but never have managed to. But now we do what we have always been dreaming of. Wroclaw, Posnan maybe Warsaw.
Well Piotr has to leave for France by the 29th of June. I will probably head westwards too, to Berlin (I once worked there for 3 years in Bankgesellschaft), Hamburg, Frankfurt I worked there too for nearly 2 years in Dresdner Bank). So, lots of friends to visit.
Then Holland. The Hague is where I intend to meet Stefan and Bram, 2 former work colleagues from my time in England.
So London has been pushed back well into July but I'll get there. And Scotland and Ireland need to wait until August and September hopefully just in time before the weather turns too nasty and cold and wet.
But - who cares.
www.thisfabtrek.com > journey > europe > austria > 20040529-vienna