About Travel Photography,
Colors of the World.
Manfred is creator of ThisFabTrek.com, travel photography, a travel blog and a photography blog (a journey from 2004 to 2013). 'I set out to see the colors of the world, always I try to capture the colors'.
Seeing, is understanding, so I report and photograph, but formost enjoy and live those different conceptions of life (all that TV [and the web] cannot give). I reject jealousy, animosity, bigotry. Be free!
The mind, when pondering at night and always asked those questions. What am I doing in corporate wonderland of bank, university, office or church? Who is the other animal asleep deep inside, the thinker, punk, creative, or Indian, vagabond and healer, maybe artist, writer, photographer, traveler, globetrotter? Oh God, dare you to think. When I saw the lies, gambles and manipulations I follow the old dream and set out for the journey of life lived, the journey to see the colors of the world.
During years on the road I have taken the turns as they came along, and realized one thing: Only such a small part of the planet can be explored and such a vast land and sea mass will always remain unknown, to me; many swamps, jungles, deserts and oceans will never be traveled. But then I am father of twin boys, Daniel and David, my most important, and I show them some of the wonders and colors out there.
ThisFabTrek, Photography and Journey, the Stories from the Road and Life around the World, stopped in August 2013 after more than 9 years, Love and Peace.
www.thisfabtrek.com > journey
> africa
> mali
Un peuple, un bout, une foi.
Bamako the hub, here I would leave the Land Rover again and again. in 2006 and 2007, 2008, 2009. Also the place of the Festivals in the desert and on the Niger River. Mali, where I fell in love with West African Music. I keep coming back... 2011, ...
Colors of Malian Highlights.

Sayon Camara Sissoko.

Oumou Sangare.

Cheik Tidiane Seck, le guerrier.

Bilan and Femi Kuti.

Sadio Kouyate on the Festival.

Festival sur le Niger 2011, features my Adama Yolomba picture.

KarKar, Baboucar Traore, a night out in Bamako.

Tomawok, Rap in Bamako. Jan 2011.

Julie and Chanana, Diata Sya.

Toma Sidibe in Sibo, the Lion.

Dry oranges in la brousse, Sahel, Mali. Feb2011.
Hand of Fatima, night and moon, saying Goodbye to Mali, Jan 2009.
Dogon Land, Jan 2009.
Irelli boys, Dogon Country, Jan 2009.
Bandiagara Escarpement, Dogon Land, Jan 2009.
Tellem Graneries, Dogon Land, Jan 2009.
Bassékou Kouyaté, Festival sur le Niger, Segou 2008.
Salif Keita, Festival sur le Niger, Segou 2008.
Groovy Cheik Tidiane Seck, Festival sur le Niger, Segou 2008.
Mangala Camara, so cool on the Festival sur le Niger, Segou 2008.
Habib Koité on the Festival sur le Niger, Segou 2008.
Friendly shepherd, Didieni, Sep 2007.
Thunderstorms in Mali, this is rainy season.
The Niger River, after the festival we fly home to Vienna.
Festival sur le Niger, Julie Dupas and Nico Legendre, professionals.
Festival sur le Niger, Djénèba Seck, tamani player.
Festival sur le Niger, Djénèba Seck, one of her singers.
Festival sur le Niger, Adama Yalomba, sound check in front of setting
Festival sur le Niger, Tiken Jah Fakoly.
Festival sur le Niger, Sekouba Bambino.
Festival sur le Niger, Amadou & Mariam.
Festival sur le Niger, Baba Salah's dancers.
Festival sur le Niger, Baba Salah.
Festival sur le Niger, Bassékou Kouyaté.
Festival sur le Niger, Amy Sacko, wife of Bassékou Kouyaté.
Festival sur le Niger, Habib Koité's dancers..
Festival sur le Niger, Habib Koité.
Festival sur le Niger, Nampe Sadio's singers.
Festival sur le Niger, Donsow.
Festival sur le Niger, Korédugaw.
Festival sur le Niger, Evening under the Balanzan, the tale of
Director of the Festival sur le Niger, Mamou Daffé welcoming
Moussa in front of stage design element.
Stage in Segou and Ismael.
Nico and Julie.
Mount Hombori and Hand of Fatima.
Niger River route.
kissing Khaïra Arby.
Khaïra Arby.
She sings with Bassékou....
Bassékou Kouyaté on the festival au desért.
Show riding on the Festival au desert gathering.
Bassekou Kouyate on the Festival au desert.
Beautiful Singer with a desert voice on the Festival.
Markus James, Tinariwen on the Festival au Desert/Essakane.
Touareg rider against the sun.
Baba Salah on the Festival au Desert.
Touareg on the Festival au Desert, Essakane 2006.
Nico, Fidel Castro, New Year 2006.
2011 for the 7th ed. of the Festival sur le Niger.
And finally the crowning.
Back back back for year end in Bamako.
Back with the family, Mali, Jan 2008. For another Festival sur le Niger in Segou.
20080202 Segou - Festival sur le Niger, Salif Keita, Bassékou Kouyaté, Cheik Tidiane Seck.
20080201 Segou - Festival sur le Niger, 4th edition, Habib Koité Mangala Camara, Abdoulaye Diabaté.
20080105 Bamako - to Mopti, Ouagadougou, Bamako, Vienna, Casablanca, Bamako.
Always back to Bamako, Mali, Dec 2007.
4th time Mali, Sep 2007, End of journey in MB307.
And Again back in Mali at the end of 2006 after Guinea.
2nd time Mali, end of the journey with the MB207.
First time Mali, for the NY 2006 after the Mauritania adventure.
20060205 Segou -
Festival sur le Niger. 4th day. Djénèba Seck, Adama
Yalomba, Molobaly Keita, Nyangara.
20060204 Segou more
- Festival sur le Niger. 3rd day. Amadou & Mariam, Baba Salah,
Tiken Jah Fakoly, Sekouba Bambino.
20060204 Segou -
Festival sur le Niger. 3rd day. Bassékou Koyaté, Amy
Sacko, Tindé, Pirogue race.
20060203 Segou more
- Festival sur le Niger. 2nd day. Habib Koité, Nampé
Sadio, Babani Koné.
20060203 Segou -
Festival sur le Niger. 2nd day. Koredugaw, Donsow.
20060202 Segou more
- Festival sur le Niger. 1st day. Niger River Forum/Conference and
Caanaba tale telling.
20060202 Segou -
Festival sur le Niger. Preparations.
20060123 Djénné - after Tombouctou, the Niger, Gao
and Dogon country.
20060116 Essakane more
more - again more from the Festival au désert, Khaïra
Arby, Itch, Bassékou Kouyaté.
20060116 Essakane more
- more from the Festival au désert, Markus James and Tinariwen,
Bassékou Kouyaté.
20060116 Essakane
- from Mauritania to Segou, and further on to the Festival au désert,
Tiris, Baba Salah.
- Links - gathered while in the country.

Highlights. Images are linked to the story behind.
Segou Festival, Feb2011.

Jan2011 South, all terrorists?
Dogon Country, Jan2009.
Bassékou Kouyaté, Segou, Mali, Feb2008.
Mangala Camara, Segou, Mali, Feb2008.
Djénèba Singers, Segou, Mali, Feb2006.
Sekouba Bambino, Segou, Mali, Feb2006.
Amy Sacko, Segou, Mali, Feb2006.
Habib Dancers, Segou, Mali, Feb2006.
Mud Mosque, Djénné, Mali, Jan2006.
Kaïra Arby in Essakane, Mali, Jan2006.
Touareg/Tuareg in Essakane, Mali, Jan2006.
www.thisfabtrek.com >
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africa >