Thursday, February 03 2006
1 year, 6 month, 12 days
Segou, Mali
About Travel Photography,
Colors of the World.
Manfred is creator of, travel photography, a travel blog and a photography blog (a journey from 2004 to 2013). 'I set out to see the colors of the world, always I try to capture the colors'.
Seeing, is understanding, so I report and photograph, but formost enjoy and live those different conceptions of life (all that TV [and the web] cannot give). I reject jealousy, animosity, bigotry. Be free!
The mind, when pondering at night and always asked those questions. What am I doing in corporate wonderland of bank, university, office or church? Who is the other animal asleep deep inside, the thinker, punk, creative, or Indian, vagabond and healer, maybe artist, writer, photographer, traveler, globetrotter? Oh God, dare you to think. When I saw the lies, gambles and manipulations I follow the old dream and set out for the journey of life lived, the journey to see the colors of the world.
During years on the road I have taken the turns as they came along, and realized one thing: Only such a small part of the planet can be explored and such a vast land and sea mass will always remain unknown, to me; many swamps, jungles, deserts and oceans will never be traveled. But then I am father of twin boys, Daniel and David, my most important, and I show them some of the wonders and colors out there.
ThisFabTrek, Photography and Journey, the Stories from the Road and Life around the World, stopped in August 2013 after more than 9 years, Love and Peace. > journey
> africa
> mali
> 20060203-segou
Opening, Mamou Daffé, Hamadoun Tandina
Director, Mamou Daffé
Ministre, ..
Hamadoun Tandina.
A saint.
Hamadoun Tandina describes himself as a "bag full
of words, tales, poems and songs". Others say "travelling
ambassador of African culture", "a pupil of the big school
of mother nature", ... , anyway he gave a great satirical speech
about abandoning everything from egoism to racism and politicians to
dictators to judges to customs officers and ...
He speaks on the last (4th) day of the festival as well.
And as the picture shows (at night) he is a saint.

Donsow strolling, Quay of Arts
Donsow (hunters), and old powerful brotherhood, where teachings are
passed from master to disciple, from one generation to the next. Their
esoteric teachings are based on knowledge of the character of animals,
the healing power of plants and the learning of magical incantations.
They are feared and respected by everyone, as therapists who drive
out bad spirits. The founding of empires can be attributed to Donsow.
Donsow come to the show carrying rifles from the last century and they
are not just carrying them.
Chief of the Donsow.
Eyes closed, sensing nature.
Donsow, carrying rifles and koras.
Hunter and rifle.
Front loading and Peng!...
... cause people to jump in terror.
Moving cautiously slowly, ....
... just as they do when hunting.

Korédugaw, strolling Quay of Arts.
A differnt lot then the Donsow, their ritual behaviours carry other
characteristics. They are funny (clowns), behave comically and use obscene
language, they sometimes wear womens' clothes and false jewellery, and
eat as much as they can all the time ...
They have been peace keepers in times of conflicts, rainmaker in times
of drought, bring good fortune in general ...
They are untouchable, allowed to do anything, enjoy unlimited respect.
Koredugaw, looks like he's the chief.
Chief again.
Marching in with 2 Calabash.
Women join in ...
A dance with a calabash ...
Cheerful, exuberant, ...
White guy...
Women watching.
Nothing can stop them.
The heat is growing.
Not just from the sun overhead.

Masks and Puppets
Action inside the tent.
Masks and puppets/animals and characters.
Rainy season, harvest, circumcision events.
Every group includes dancers,
drummers and musicians.
Bina Coumaré, and Soku.
I cannot distinguish yet between a Soku, one string violin, and a
Njarka, one string violin, or maybe it is the same instrument called
differently in different parts or the country or in different languages.
Or maybe a Soku is made of callabash or ... and a Njarka seems to be
smaller ...

Decorated by Fire
Crowd on beach waiting for the start of the concerts.
Arty. >
journey >
africa >
> 20060203-segou